Terms & Conditions
Our basic principle at SKYTRACK SA is to build relationships of trust and value with our customers, while respecting their privacy and personal information. Our privacy policy is fully harmonized with the legislation of the European Union, while at the same time all the necessary measures and security protocols are taken by our specialized staff with the main focus on the protection of personal data of our customers. |
- Introduction
- Intellectual Property Rights
- Services and Company Responsibility
- User Responsibility and Unauthorized Use of Servers
- Security
- Pricing and Interruption of Services
- Refund Policy
- Renewal of Services
- Liability Limitation - Compensation
- Acceptance of Terms of Use
- Use of Service
- Use of Data
- Services
Privacy and Data Security Policy
Additional Clarifications for Cookies
1. Introduction
1.1 Skytrack, hereinafter referred to as the Company, is a website for the sale of products and services via the Internet created by the company "Skytrack EE", with VAT number EL800719264, based in Perikleous 0, Thermi, 57001, tel. 2310365067. The following terms and conditions will apply to the use of the Company's website, which is located at the electronic address https://gprs.gr/, as well as the services provided by the Company. By using the website or the services, the users indicate the full acceptance of the terms and conditions that the Company has set or will set in the future.
1.2 If a user or user representative does not agree with these terms and conditions, then he must not use the Company's website and services. The users of the Company's services or the visitors of the website https://gprs.gr/ will be referred to hereinafter as "Customer", regardless of whether they place orders for services or products from the Company.
2. Intellectual Property Rights
2.1 This website is one of the official services provided by Skytrack. All content of the website, including images, graphics, photographs, drawings, texts, services and products are the intellectual property of the Company and are protected under the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions.
2.2 It is prohibited to copy, distribute, transfer, process, resell, create a product or mislead the public about the actual Content Provider of the Website. Any reproduction, republishing, uploading, announcement, dissemination or transmission or any other use of the Content in any way or means for commercial or other purposes is permitted only with the prior written permission of the Company or any other copyright holder. The names, images, logos and insignia that represent the Company or third parties and their products or services are the exclusive trademarks of the Company or third parties protected by the relevant trademark laws. Their appearance on the website should in no way be construed as a transfer or assignment of their license or right of use.
3. Services and Company Responsibility
3.1 Any request for additional Technical Support may be rejected by the Company with or without reason. It is at the sole discretion of the Company whether to provide any additional Technical Support and once done, may be terminated at any time without notice and without any obligation or liability to the Company.
3.2 The Company does not control the content of the information that passes through its network of servers, nor does it guarantee the reliability of any information that appears on the internet through or because of its services.
3.3 The use of any information provided through the INTERNET is the responsibility of the user and the Company has no responsibility for the accuracy or quality of this information.
3.4 The Company is not responsible for any damage caused in case of non-availability of the network or system and does not guarantee that the hosting service will be uninterrupted, or no error will be made, due to the special nature of the Internet and networks through to whom the information is distributed.
3.5 The Company, under any circumstances and for any reason, has no responsibility for any damage arising from the use, availability or non-availability of the services it offers.
3.6 The Company regularly upgrades installed applications that exist on its servers in order to maintain the security levels at the highest possible level and to provide the latest versions. The Company is not responsible for any loss, damage and non-pecuniary damage arising from these upgrades as well as from the inability or reluctance of the customer to adapt the internet browser or the corresponding mobile application used with the upgraded versions of GPRS.
3.7 The Company does not bear any responsibility or obligation for compensation for any loss, damage and non-pecuniary damage resulting from inability to provide services or technical support and the Customer undertakes by accepting the present that it will not raise any claims beyond them.
3.8 The Company regularly receives backup copies of the files and databases of the Customers, who use hosting services on its servers. The company bears no responsibility in case the backup is not updated or can not be used. Charges are applied for retrieving backup files directly from the Company. The Customer is obliged to keep a backup of his files, databases and e-mails, using the Backup tool, provided through GPRS.
3.9 The Company will cooperate with the authorities for law enforcement by providing information such as the data, the e-mails and the content of the Customer. This may lead the Company to disclose all information provided to the Company, including information contained on the Company's servers, files and customer databases.
3.10 The Company is not liable to customers / users for damages that may arise from the execution or not of their order. It also reserves the right to deliver its services in cases of force majeure.
3.11 The services provided by GPRS are subscription services without a minimum length of stay in them (unless a similar agreement has been signed). These services are maintained exclusively on the privately owned Server of our company, for as long as the customer renews the respective service. In case of non-renewal of the service subscription, the company reserves the right to terminate its operation completely and to charge the customer again in case he wants the service to be restored.
3.12 Right and access to the hosting environment of these services: no backup copy of this data is provided or given.
4. User Responsibility and Unauthorized Use of Servers
4.1 The Customer accepts that he will not use the Company's website, the services it provides and the servers for:
- Posting, publishing, e-mailing or otherwise transmitting any content that is illegal, harmful, threatening, offensive, defamatory, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, violates someone else's privacy, or implies expresses racial, ethnic or other discrimination, sending, publishing, e-mailing or otherwise transmitting any content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary right of others.
- causing harm to non-adults in any way, sending, publishing, e-mailing or transmitting in any other way any content for which you have no right to transmit in accordance with the law or contractual or managerial relationships (such as internal information, property and confidential information obtained or disclosed as part of an employment relationship or covered by confidentiality agreements)
- sending, publishing, e-mailing or otherwise transmitting any material containing software viruses or any other code, files or programs designed to interrupt, damage, destroy or equip the operation any computer software or hardware, intentional or unintentional violation of applicable law or its provisions.
4.2 The Company has the ability to discard or delete material that is channeled to the server it has granted, if this material violates any copyright, contains adult, racist or pirated content (hacking, pirate software, warez sites, serial numbers), refers to drug trafficking, attempting to break into a computer illegally or in violation of any other law. In such cases, the Company has the right, without notice, to immediately deactivate the account and access to the site via the Internet without any liability for damages that may be caused to the Customer or Third Parties. It then informs the customer to remove the material. In case the customer does not comply immediately, the company has the right to completely delete the account.
4.3 The Company follows a very strict policy for spam emails and can cancel the customer account in case of sending unorthodox / unwanted mass emails (spam mail). An email is spam when it is sent to many recipients who have not requested to receive it. The customer agrees not to send any of the following types of e-mail:
(a) promotional or informational, including without limitation commercial advertising, except to those who have expressly requested such emails from the Customer.
(b) Annoying emails, either by the language they are written in, the frequency with which they are sent, or the size of the messages.
(c) chain mails
(d) Bulk Advertising or Information Email. Skytrack reserves the right to decide whether a customer action is considered "spam", "mail bombing", or "bulk e-mail".
To protect the IPs of servers from being entered into spam lists, Skytrack applies a security mechanism to the number of emails that users send per hour. At the request of the client, this mechanism can be made, exceptionally, a little more flexible, and if the server administrators judge that this will not create a problem in the reliable operation of the Emails service.
4.4 The available resources of the server are intended exclusively for use within the accounts of the Company's customers. It is forbidden to make resources in any way on third party websites in any form, including but not limited to drawing graphics or texts from third party websites located on the Company's server, execution of banner exchange programs, etc.
4.5 It is prohibited to send emails to the server or any message that is sent on an annoying basis to a network directly or indirectly connected to the Company as well as the attempt to bypass user authentication or security of the host, network or account. It is forbidden to access information that is not addressed to the Customer. It is forbidden to violate the security of any network, Spawning, Port scans, ping floods, packet spoofing, forging router information, denial of service attacks, sniffers, flooding, spoofing, ping bombing, smurfs, winnuke, land, teardrop, virus publishing, running chat rooms, Internet Relay Chat, IRC bots (such as eggdrop), PhpShell and other similar programs. Any activity, regardless of whether it will lead to loss of information, will be investigated and appropriate action will be taken.
4.6 Unauthorized background processes or authorized background processes that endanger the security of our servers, will result in the termination or termination of the Customer account.
4.7 The customer must use a secure password. If the password used by the customer is simple, the account may be suspended until a more secure password is used.
4.8 The Company has the right to limit the volume of messages sent or received by users, in order to maintain the quality of e-mail services to other members and to protect its computer systems. As the owner and / or manager of the equipment and other resources used to provide the services, the Company has the right to block electronic communication from other entities on the internet.
5. Security
5.1 All transactions you make through the company's websites are governed by International and European law, which regulates issues related to e-commerce as well as the Law on Consumer Protection (Law 2251/1994), which regulates issues related to with distance sales. The Company recognizes the importance of the issue of the security of Personal Data, as well as electronic transactions and has taken all necessary measures, with the most modern and advanced methods, to ensure the maximum possible security. All information related to your personal information is secure and confidential.
5.2 The codes used for the identification are: the Username and the Personal Security Code (Password), which every time you enter them provide access with absolute security to the personal data of the Customer. It is possible to change the Personal Security Code (password) as often as the Customer wishes. The only one who has access to the data is the customer through the above codes and is solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of third parties. In case of loss or leakage you should request a password reset via the GPRS website. The Company is not responsible for the use of the code by an unauthorized person. The Company in no way discloses or discloses the personal data and information it provides to the Company. The personal data provided by the Customer to the Company are used exclusively for the execution of transactions. All information is encrypted and stored in complete security.
5.3 The customer must always have his personal data and all contact details (address, phone, email) up to date. The communication and information of the Company to the Customer for issues related to his account (upgrades to the servers, expiration - account renewal, etc.) is carried out via email or through relevant information pages on the Company's site. The Customer must regularly check the email that he has set as the main communication email and the Company's website in order to be informed about issues concerning his account.
Confidentiality of Transactions
5.4 All information transmitted by the Company's customer / subscriber is confidential and the Company has taken all necessary measures to be used only when deemed necessary within the framework of the services provided. Some of the measures that have been taken are the following:
- Only authorized officials have access to transaction information and only when necessary, e.g. for processing applications.
- The Company does not disclose the details of customers and their transactions, unless it has a written authorization from the customer, or this is required by a court decision or decision of another public authority.
- In the event that the Company uses third parties to support its systems, it takes care to ensure confidentiality.
- The customer can request any information kept about him as well as their correction in case he can substantiate the existence of an error.
- For security, the Customer should treat all information provided through the service as confidential and not make any disclosure to third parties.
- The Customer's email address is used by Skytrack to send important updates about the company and / or the service. The customer cannot choose to unsubscribe from this list as long as he uses the service.
6. Pricing and Interruption of Services
Pricing Policy
6.1 The listed prices of the products are in euros and include VAT. Payment for services is made in advance. The Company reserves the right to change prices without prior notice to the customer. It is understood that the customer always pays the price that is listed in the relevant price lists for this product or service at the time of ordering.
6.2 The Company has the right to offer packages or offers that will have more favorable terms or prices than those that existed when the customer initially purchased services from the Company. These price changes and terms do not affect existing party prices.
Interruption of Services
6.3 The continuation of the services may be interrupted by any of the parties, without cause. The Company is not obliged to refund the agreed amount for the remaining period from the day of termination until the normal expiration of the contract in case the termination is requested by the customer or the service is terminated by the Company in case of violation of its terms by the customer.
6.4 If the Customer declares that he does not wish to continue the services, then the company may terminate the provided Customer service and delete his details.
6.5 The Company reserves the right to refuse, terminate or make available the services it provides to the Customer at will, with or without notice, and will not be responsible for effects, positive or negative, that result from the termination of a web site from one of its servers or termination of another service. Restoring files to a web hosting account is charged.
6.6 In the event that the Customer maintains one or more services unpaid in his account, then the Company has the right to suspend, terminate or delete all services, paid or not, without the obligation to provide backups to the Customer. The information for the renewal of the services is done by email to the respective customer before their expiration. If they are not renewed in time, then they are permanently terminated within 6 months and their restoration is charged at an additional cost.
6.7 The Company reserves the right to cancel an account, including files and content, for any reason, at any time. The Customer agrees to keep backup copies of all files and databases it hosts in the Company and agrees that the Company will have no responsibility for data loss. The Customer is responsible for backing up his data.
6.8 The continuation of services in another Company is the sole responsibility of the customer.
6.9 In case of late payment, our Services are scheduled to be terminated automatically after the end date of the subscription.
6.10 The company reserves the right to terminate or make available without notice any service for which the customer has not paid or requested a refund after payment. The courts of Thessaloniki are eligible for any legal dispute.
Our company reserves the right to terminate any services you have, until full repayment of your debt.
7. Refund Policy
7.1 The Company's tracking service packages are accompanied by a 30-day money back guarantee from the start date of the service, which applies only to new customers and not to service renewals. If the new customer is not satisfied with the level of services of the Company, he can within 30 days from the start of his account request the cancellation of the services he has chosen, otherwise he tacitly agrees with the continuation of the service and waives his right to return of the money paid. In case of cancellation within 30 days, the customer is refunded the amount of his subscription by deducting the amount corresponding to the days he used the respective service. In case the amount of the subscription included additional costs, the amount of the subscription is returned to the Customer after the above costs are withheld. No refunds are made after the 30th day of the subscription. The above guarantee applies exclusively to GPRS service packages.
7.2 Only new account holders are entitled to compensation. For example, if the customer had an account with the Company, canceled and created a new one, he is not entitled to compensation for the last account.
7.3 Any violation of the terms hereof, is considered capable of leading to non-return of any amount to the Customer and cancellation of the respective service.
8. Renewal of Services
8.1 In case of payment of the subscription by deposit in the bank, the Customer must pay any commissions of the banks and inform the Company about the number of the deposit transaction and the bank branch that made the deposit at least 2 working days before the end of the subscription. If the customer can not make the deposit information online or if required by the Company, the Customer should send by email to accounting@skytrack.gr the deposit receipt clearly stating in the notice / receipt his details and the type of service that pays.
8.2 In any case, the customer must check that the company received the notification of the payment of his subscription and activated / renewed the services for which he paid. In case the company can not verify the payment details of the balance from service renewal (eg due to non-delivery of the information email to the Company) then the company terminates the operation of the Customer service, without any responsibility for any losses or damages that caused by the termination / interruption of its services to the Customer.
9. Liability Limitation - Compensation
9.1 The Client agrees that he will defend himself against any court, will secure, will keep away from any risk, from all claims, losses, monetary claims and responsibilities, the Company and will cover it against any monetary costs including lawyers' fees, will also cover it from any case or claim due to damage or injury or any other cause raised by him or any third party against the Company or the Customer due to the activities and services or other acts of the Customer or contents and information that moved through its server Company or due to malfunction of any of our servers, with or without the consent of the Customer or a person cooperating with him.
9.2 In addition, the Customer expressly declares and undertakes hereby that in the event that any lawsuit, claim, or other legal claim or administrative procedure is raised against the Company and arises from the violation by any kind of rights of third parties, it is obliged or administrative procedure and on the other hand fully compensate the Company, in case the latter is obliged to pay compensation or any other expense.
10. Acceptance of Terms of Use
10.1 These terms of use of the Skytrack services are drawn up in accordance with all the rules of law of the Greek territory, are governed by Greek Law, by the applicable provisions of the European Union and by the International Treaties and are interpreted in accordance with the rules of good faith, transactional ethics and the social and economic purpose of the right. In the event that a term or provision of such terms of use is to be deemed invalid or voidable, such invalidity or cancellation will not affect the validity of the other terms and the parties will make every effort to replace the invalid ones. or revocable terms or conditions, with others approaching as closely as possible the content of the invalid or revocable terms or provisions.
10.2 The subscribers of the Company's services must be at least 18 years of age.
10.3 By using the Skytrack websites it means that you agree with all the terms listed on this website and reading this text is required before using our services and submitting any service order and in addition your consent as well as the full and unconditional acceptance of the listed terms, is expressed, certified and declared responsibly using the presentation and / or mouse click on the link "I have read and agree to the Terms of Use" and any other link that may lead to a service order or use of the Company's website, and is considered as your signature on this text. In case of telephone orders or via email, you agree with the present terms which you have read before your communication with our company.
10.4 The Company provides the customer with Third Party Software depending on the hosting package ordered. The terms of the license governing the use of third party software may differ from the terms of use of Skytrack. The Company's customers are bound by all terms of the licenses related to the third party software and must accept them. The provision and supply of third party software is not part of the Company's software. The Company cannot provide support or warranties regarding the use and functionality of such third party software.
10.5 The Customer agrees that for any dispute arising from the use of this presentation, the laws of the Greek state will apply and the eligible court for their resolution will be the Courts of Thessaloniki. The Company has the right to modify without notice the Terms of Use of the Service Agreement.
10.6 The terms contained herein supersede any other agreement or negotiation between Customer and the Company, orally, in writing or otherwise, including any statements by a representative or associate of the Company.
11.Use of Service
To use a Skytrack Service, you must have an active mobile phone and / or a computer with Internet access. If you are an individual, you must be either (a) at least 18 years old or (b) at least 13 years old and have been approved by your parent or guardian to use a Skytrack Service.
If you represent a business, you must be authorized to enter into this agreement on behalf of the business. You declare that you are the owner or authorized user of the Eligible Service and you are responsible for any charges associated with the Services or having the bill payer authorize you to use the Skytrack Service to obtain goods or services.
11.1 Charges for using the GPRS Service are made through the account on the GPRS platform.
12 Use of Data
Skytrack will not use your mobile number for any marketing purpose. Use of your data should be governed by the Skytrack Privacy Policy.
12.1 Skytrack is committed to respecting and protecting your privacy. We value your trust and want you to understand how the Company protects, collects, uses and does not disclose the personal information you share with us. This privacy statement applies to the personal information we receive each time you use Skytrack Services, such as when you visit the Website and use the GPRS Service. We want to ensure that you are aware of our practices for collecting and processing personal information, which is information about a person that can be used to use our services. This privacy statement does not apply to Skytrack in accessing and using the sections from our website. The collection, use and disclosure of the data and information is governed by the legal agreement between Skytrack and the respective user.
12.2 We collect personal information for processing transactions when you use our services. The type of personal information we collect when you use the Service may include contact information such as your mobile number, country, billing amount and user details or any other information we may collect with your consent or as permitted or required by law.
12.3 We use personal information in a number of ways, such as to complete your transaction, to manage any problems that may arise during the transaction, for better understanding and management decisions, our ongoing relationship with you, to ensure good service, prevention of fraud and abuse, for the purposes of controlling and managing risks and otherwise, with your consent or as permitted or required by law.
12.4 Skytrack may store personal information in databases for the purposes of our business management, including our ongoing relationship with you, for market research, and only with your consent, for the purposes of direct marketing. As permitted by applicable law, it may merge personal information with public information or other information obtained from reputable vendors to update your contact information or enhance demographic profiles.
12.5 We will retain your information for at least 5 years or as necessary to comply with our legal obligations and dispute resolution. If you want, you can ask us to remove your data from our systems and not provide you with our services. Skytrack will not sell, rent, or lease your personal information. We may share all information, as described above, with our partners and agents in relation to the goods and services for the smooth performance of our services for other purposes as permitted or required by law.
12.6 In particular, the use of your personal information for marketing purposes by Skytrack or our agents is always with your consent and in accordance with applicable law regarding customer consent. Disclosures permitted or required by law may include cooperation with state investigations, fraud prevention and detection, and responses to a court order or subpoena. Skytrack is bound by appropriate data protection obligations. Our traders and partners can be located outside the European Economic Area. Skytrack may disclose some or all of the personal information to merchants and service providers for processing purposes upon request, improving the user experience or performing business support functions on our behalf.
12.7 Our agreements with service providers will contain provisions on privacy and restrictions on the use of this information for any other purpose. If Skytrack is involved in a merger, acquisition or any form of sale of part or all of its assets, we may disclose personal information to third parties in connection with the valuation of the transaction. The survival of the company, or the acquiring company in the event of the sale of the assets, will have access to the personal information that will continue to be subject to this privacy statement.
12.8 Skytrack will not share your personal information in ways that are incompatible with those described above without giving you a choice. However, to the extent that applicable law requires the express consent or "verification" of the collection and use of personal information, Skytrack will retain the procedures for securing it and such information will only be collected with the user’s express consent.
12.9 Skytrack is committed to ensuring that the information we obtain and use about you is accurate for its intended purpose. You can contact us at any time to review, update, delete (for future use) your personally identifiable information held by Skytrack. We will respond to your request within thirty (30) days of submission. You can help us maintain accurate records by notifying us of any changes or modifications to your personal information.
12.10 We use physical, electronic and procedural security measures to protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of information under our control. Skytrack offers sophisticated practices and security measures to protect and safeguard the personal information we collect. Access to personal information is restricted to users, employees and service providers who must have access to such information as described in this privacy statement.
12.11 Skytrack obliges service providers to comply with the rules regarding the security, collection, use and sharing of personal information, and to comply with applicable law. We make every reasonable effort to ensure the security of our systems. Despite our best efforts, we cannot guarantee that personal information that cannot be accessed is disclosed, tampered with or destroyed by breach of our administrative, management and technical warranties. When entering sensitive information, such as your mobile number, we have encrypted the information using Secure Level Host (SSL) technology. If the Skytrack Service detects a security breach, it may try to notify you electronically so that you can take appropriate protective measures. By using the Service, you agree that Skytrack may contact you electronically or via the SMS service.
12.12 Skytrack is dedicated to protecting your personal information. We will never ask for your personal information by fax or e-mail. Please do not send confidential personal information, such as social security numbers, ID numbers, or Skytrack account numbers, via an insecure email. You can send confidential information to Skytrackby mail, telephone or contact us. Do not be fooled by emails that appear to be from us asking for personal information.
12.13 When you browse our websites, we automatically collect some technical information about your visit. Examples of this standard type of information include the type of Internet browser you are using, your IP address, browser headers, the files you requested, and the domain name and country from which you are requesting information. We use this type of technical information to make our website work better, to better understand how visitors use our website and to improve the website, its content and the ability to meet your needs. As part of our efforts to protect our customers from fraud, this information is also used to help verify the authenticity of the website.
12.14 Some of our websites may contain "cookies", or data sent to your web browser and stored on your computer. The purpose of these "cookies" is to allow our server to identify you as a Skytrack client if you return to the website, using the same computer and browser. If you do not wish to receive such cookies, you can usually set your web browser to accept cookies or notify you when a cookie is sent to you. You are free to refuse cookies if your web browser allows, but you may not be able to use all the features and functionality of our websites. Skytrack does not link the information we store in cookies to any personal information you submit.
12.15 Skytrack is not responsible for the content practices or information used by other websites linked to or from our website or which use the Skytrack Service. In most cases where links are provided, they are provided as pointers to information about services that may be useful to users. These sites provide payment services using the Skytrack Service, governed by their own privacy statements. We encourage you to read the privacy statement of these other websites before providing them with personal information.
12.16 The use of cookies by our partners, merchants and service providers is not covered by our privacy statement. We have no access to or control over these cookies. Our partners, merchants and service providers can use identification cookies to make it easier for you to browse our website.
Use by children: Skytrack does not collect personal information from children under the age of 13 without the consent of a parent or guardian.
At Skytrack, your trust is one of our most important assets. We will continuously work to protect the privacy of our customers and will continually review our privacy policy. The Website will always contain the most recent privacy statement. If we decide to change our privacy practices, we will post the changes to this privacy statement for the Website so that you know what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it. We reserve the right to modify this privacy statement at any time, so please read it frequently. By continuing to use the Skytrack Service you indicate that you fully accept the changes to this privacy statement.
If you have further questions about our privacy statement or how your personal information is being used, please contact us.
13. Services
Skytrack services allow you to use GPRS for a subscription. Skytrack provides its own services through clearing, pricing and settlement platforms.
13.1. SCAM
Skytrack services may only be used for the purposes of trading with authorized partners and not for any fraudulent act. If you feel that your account has been used without permission, fraudulently or illegally, please contact us. At the discretion of Skytrack, any information provided by you in connection with the reporting of fraud or illegal conduct may be passed on to any competent authority.
Privacy and Data Security Policy
Clarifications for the processing of personal data
1) Why will the Company process the Personal Data (PD) and the Special Category Personal Data (SCPD) of the Customer?
With the purchase of services / products made by the Customer through the Company's website, he declares that he wants the Company to undertake on his behalf the completion of a work or the mediation between the Customer and a third party for the completion of a work in the capacity of the Company as an internet service provider. The Company, based on the information / data stated by the Customer on its website / order form, should include him in a homogeneous category and calculate, based on his statements, the appropriate and proportionate product / service for the Customer. To do this, it is necessary for the Customer to state the specific PD and / or the PD that are mentioned in the relevant fields of the order form. These elements are objectively essential for the fulfillment of the purpose and the operation of the provided service. The correct and complete information about the data requested by the Company is an obligation of the Customer by law. It is possible that inaccurate or incomplete information about the information requested by the Company may even request the cancellation or termination of the service provided at any time. For as long as the service contract remains in force, the Company will process the Customer data that is necessary for its operation, based on the explicit consent that the Customer will give us at this stage through the service / product order or in any other subsequent stage.
2) What kind of processing of my data will the Company proceed with?
After the Customer orders the product / service, completed in all fields, the Company will proceed, for the reasons mentioned above, in each transaction or series of transactions of the Customer's data and with the help of automated means such as e.g. collect, record, organize, correct, save, customize, modify, retrieve, retrieve information. The Company uses automated means for the completion of the order and the provision of the service. Through these automated means, the Company can make decisions faster, with greater accuracy, transparency and consistency. However, in these cases, regular relevant inspections are carried out by competent employees of the Company. The Company, in the context of the protection of legal interests, often carries out audits, through certified automated means, in order to prevent fraud against it. Specifically, the following individual processing is carried out in order to comply with the provisions of European and Greek legislation:
- Manual or automated audits to prevent the use of products for money laundering and / or terrorist financing purposes.
- Audits are carried out and data are sent for the purpose of the Company's compliance with the administrative cooperation of the Member States of the European Union in the tax field.
- Audits are performed and data are sent for the purpose of the Company's compliance with the multilateral agreement of Competent Authorities for the automatic exchange of financial account information.
3) For how long will the Company keep the Customer data on file?
The Company will keep the Customer data for as long as a contractual relationship is maintained between them, both in printed and electronic form. In the event that, for any reason, it is terminated, the Company will keep them for as long as is required until the limitation period of any relevant claims has passed. However, in any case the Company will keep the data for a period of up to one (1) year from the end of their cooperation.
4) What rights does the Customer have in relation to the processing of his data?
The Customer may exercise, as appropriate, the following rights: the right of access (to find out which data we process, why and their recipients), correction (to correct any deficiencies or inaccuracies in the data), deletion (right in oblivion) (deletion from the Company's files, but if their processing is no longer necessary), limitation of processing (in case of questioning the accuracy of the data, etc.), portability (the Customer to receive his data in structured and commonly used format). These rights are exercised free of charge for the Customer, by sending a relevant letter or e-mail to the Data Protection Officer, unless they are repeated frequently and due to volume have administrative costs for the Company, in which case the Customer will be charged. at the relevant cost. If the Customer exercises any of these rights, the Company will take all possible measures to satisfy the Customer's request within thirty (30) days of receiving the relevant request, after informing the Company either of its satisfaction or of the objective reasons that impede his satisfaction. In addition, the Customer may at any time object to the processing of its PD and PD for the purposes of the service contract, revoking its consent. However, this will lead to the termination of the Customer's contract and non-provision of services by the Company, because (according to the above) no service operates without processing the customer's PD and / or EDPS (data subject).
5) How is the security of Customer data ensured?
Data security is an absolute commitment for the Company. To achieve this, all modern and appropriate technical (encryption, anonymization, etc.) and organizational measures are taken, the response of which the Company monitors at regular intervals.
6) Where will the data be transmitted?
Customer data will be transmitted to departments of the Company that are responsible for the completion of the service provided and for its correct and smooth operation. Indicatively, the technical support department, the legal service, the accounting department, etc. Customer data may be transmitted and made available by legal and / or natural persons with whom, from time to time, the Company maintains contracts for the proper provision of the services offered. Also, the data, in the context of the operation of the Customer's insurance contract, can be transmitted to various services, public authorities, etc. However, in this case, these legal and / or natural persons will process the Customer's personal data solely for the purpose of providing services to the Company and not for their own benefit, acting as processors. In each transmission, the Company always takes every measure so that the data that will be transmitted are always the minimum necessary and that the conditions for legal and fair processing will always be met.
7) Will the Company process Customer data for commercial purposes as well?
For the duration of the processing mentioned above, the Company may process only your PD. The Customer may at any time object to this processing of his data (for commercial purposes) by sending a relevant request to the Data Protection Officer. In this case, Customer data will no longer be processed for commercial purposes.
8) Submitting a complaint / protest?
For any issue regarding the processing of your data you can contact us at (+30) 2310365067.
Additional Clarifications for Cookies
1) What are cookies and why does the Company use them?
They are small text files that are sent to the browser used by the Customer and stored on his computer, while the Customer is inside the Company's website. In no case do cookies contain personal information or information, which will allow anyone to communicate with the visitor of the website, by phone, e-mail, etc. In addition, with the use of cookies there is no access to the documents or files of the computer. The use of cookies facilitates the website to memorize information about the Customer's visit, collecting useful information about the Customer's search preferences. Thus, the search experience will be improved. In addition, cookies help the Company see the performance and traffic of its website, improving its presentation and content, according to the preferences of its visitors.
2) Which cookies are used?
Some or all of the cookies described below may be stored in the browser. Customer can view and manage cookies in the browser (however mobile browsers may not offer this visibility).
3) From the different types of cookies that exist, the Company uses the following:
Absolutely necessary
The technically necessary cookies are essential for the proper operation of the website, allowing the Customer to browse and use its functions. These cookies do not recognize the individual identity of the Customer. Without these cookies, the Company cannot offer effective operation of its website. In addition, these cookies allow the website to remember the Customer's choices such as font size, or whether it has responded to a Company survey, in order to provide improved and personalized functions.
4) If the Customer does not wish to use cookies.
The Customer can activate, deactivate or even completely delete cookies through the setting options in the browser he uses. However, after that some parts of the website may not work properly.
SKYTRACK SA - Perikleous 0 (Spectra Building) - Thermi,GREECE - 57001 - Greece - +30 2310 365067 - +30 210 2202603 - info@skytrack.org - https://skytrack.org